Paddy Arrivals Reach 39,000 Tonnes Amid Ongoing Strike

by The_unmuteenglish

Chandigarh: A total of 39,000 tonnes of paddy have been delivered to Punjab mandis as of Thursday, the third day of the procurement season, despite a strike by Arthiyas and laborers.

On Thursday alone, 6,000 tonnes arrived at the mandis. The harvesting process has been slow due to recent intermittent rainfall across the state.

Out of the total arrivals, state procurement agencies have purchased nearly 10,000 tonnes. This procurement season, Punjab anticipates receiving 185 lakh tonnes of paddy, with experts predicting a bumper crop of 230 lakh tonnes.

This kharif season, the area dedicated to paddy cultivation has expanded to 32 lakh hectares (78.5 lakh acres) as farmers in south-west Punjab have shifted from cotton cultivation due to significant pest infestations.

Officials from the state agriculture department expect arrivals to increase next week when the full-scale harvest begins, noting that the crop is ready, and farmers are waiting for the grain to dry.

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