Farmer Unions Seek Common Ground, Full Unity Elusive

by The_unmuteenglish

CHANDIGARH, 27 February —Three major farmer union forums—Kisan Mazdoor Morcha (KMM), Samyukt Kisan Morcha (Non-Political), and Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM)—have yet to announce full unity but are working toward a consensus on key agricultural issues.

Representatives from the 66 unions under these forums met for nearly five hours on Thursday. While discussions aimed at resolving differences, complete agreement remained out of reach. A final meeting has been planned to push for unity, but until then, SKM’s planned protest on March 5 will continue as scheduled.

Talks began with a two-hour joint session involving all three forums, followed by 90-minute separate discussions between SKM and the KMM-SKM (Non-Political) group. The two sides later reconvened for another 90 minutes.

Joginder Singh Ugrahan, president of BKU (Ekta Ugrahan), said the discussions focused on understanding each forum’s stance.

“Absolute unity may not be possible, but we are working on a common ground for issues we all agree on. The differences were noted and will be further discussed internally,” he said.

Harinder Singh Lakhowal stated that the next meeting could lead to a breakthrough.

“We will hold our protest in Chandigarh on March 5 against the Draft National Policy Framework on Agriculture Marketing, though the Punjab Vidhan Sabha has already rejected it,” he said.

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