Punjab To Unite With Centre Over Buddha Nullah Pollution

by The_unmuteenglish

Ludhiana: The central and Punjab governments have agreed to collaborate on an all-inclusive solution to the pollution afflicting the Buddha Nullah, a tributary of the Sutlej River flowing through Ludhiana.

The decision was made during a high-level meeting in New Delhi, chaired by Debashree Mukherjee, Secretary of the Department of Water Resources, River Development, and Ganga Rejuvenation.

The meeting included state and field-level officers involved in the ongoing Rs 840-crore Buddha Nullah rejuvenation project, as well as representatives from relevant central ministries and environmental enforcement agencies.

The Buddha Nullah has suffered from severe pollution due to untreated sewage and industrial effluents, particularly from dyeing units in Ludhiana.

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